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Risk Communication

Communicating risks from environmental exposures has proven to be a powerful incentive to businesses to reduce their storage and emissions of toxic pollutants. Risk communication also enables a community and their health care providers to more accurately identify the cause of chronic ailments that can result from repeated environmental exposure. Knowledge is the best defense against environmental risks. Communication is knowledge.

Mapping Toxic Hot-Spots
Creating defensible space means putting distance between toxic hot-spots and your family. Mapping of hazardous industries, and other geographical information systems (GIS) provide effective ways for communities to inventory and evaluate risks from businesses handling hazardous materials. The West Oakland Defensible Space Assessment, and the Alameda Point Toxic Maps prepared by Clearwater Revival Company are good examples. For information on these and other local, regional and national mapping programs go here. Do you have Defensible Space?
Exposure Symptoms
The New Jersey Right-to-Know program put out some straight-forward fact sheets for a number of toxic chemicals and toxic mixtures. Clearwater Revival Company has reproduced a number of these fact sheets as part of the Alameda Point Toxic Mapping Project. The symptoms of exposure to these common environmental contaminants can be found here.
Clear and Reasonable Warning
In 1986, Proposition 65, a California voter referendum, established requirements for companies to provide a clear and reasonable warning of toxic exposures. Companies are required to provide this warning when exposure to Proposition 65 listed toxins above a significant level. Warning regulations and significant risk levels established by the State of California office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment can be found here.
Working with Clearwater Revival
Here is information on past risk communication projects completed by Clearwater Revival Company. For information on working with Clearwater Revival Company ...
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